Reflections on Partnership

Cynthia Calderon reflects on 20 years at Transcend Wealth Partners with her co-founder, Maya Boguslavsky. She considers the values and connections that inspire and sustain us, and observes that it all starts with gratitude...

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Cynthia Calderon
Milestones That Matter

At Transcend Wealth Partners, we know how important it is to celebrate all milestones, both big and small. We especially value celebrating people—as a family office, we prioritize forming trusted relationships with the people that matter most.

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Cynthia Calderon
What to Know on the Road to IPO

You have spent years nurturing and developing your company to reach a certain level of financial success and are ready to make an initial public offering (IPO). Before you reach the celebration at the end of this process, it's important to understand the considerations for each step. The IPO process is typically long, costly, and grueling. It can also be quite lucrative.

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